Product development
- Implementation of dev. processes:
- Aircraft & System level acc. to ARP 4754A
- SW and HW levels acc. to DO178C, DO 254
- Support & coaching on engineering tasks:
- Preparation of plans.
- Requirements Engineering.
- Development Assurance management.
- Configuration Management.

Product safety
- Creation of Safety assessments acc to ARP 4761 including:
- Safety Program Plans
- PSSA and SSA
- Safety analyses:
- FHAs, FTAs, PRAs, CMAs & ZSAs
- Risk assessments for specific operation RPAS: SORA

Certification and Airworth. regulations
- Support for compliance with
- Aircraft regulations: CS-23, CS-25.
- RPAS regulations: EASA Rules for UAS.
- VTOL special conditions: SC-VTOL-01.
- EASA Part 21

Quality management & Development Assurance
- Gap analyses and preparation for audits:
- System Level: ARP 4754A.
- HW and SW Level: DO178C & Do254.
- Implementation of QM Systems (ISO 9001, EN 9100).