You can meet us in person at the following events!


You can find out what events we joined in the past and what we performed at the events.

Maybe we have already attended the same events.


Stuttgart Germany, June 18 – 20, 2024

The leading fair in Europe for the development and manufacture of medical technology. It was great event with valuable contacts and first-class networking!

Do you already plan your visit 2026? The FSQ Experts team will be there again!


Munich Germany, June 12 – 13, 2024 

KI-MedTec is a conference dedicated exclusively to the topic of artificial intelligence in medical technology. FSQ Experts was not only sponsoring the event again, but was also actively contributing to the program with a presentation and an open space discussion.

These were two exciting days during which the audience discussed the current state of the art and the challenges ahead.

KI Medtec

Munich Germany, Juli 4 – 5, 2023 

  • In 2023 Munich hosted for the first time a conference dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical devices industry. FSQ was a partner and sponsor of this unique event.

  • Our team has shared regulatory expertise with their peers by presenting two talks: “Ohne Kennen, keine Kühnheit – Regularien für KI-Medizingeräte in China und die damit verbundene Herausforderung” and „Explainability für Medizinprodukte mit KI: ELI5“.



Munich Germany, Mai 23 – 25, 2023 

  • The MedConf in Munich is a fixed date on FSQ’s calendar to meet with other medical device professionals and discuss with them topics related to software development in this industry.

  • As usual, we were part of the VDI Track and contributed with a talk about selection of software development suppliers for medical devices and how the Medical SPICE framework can support the supplier management team. Additionally, we were present at the Open Space “Qualifizierung von Software-Entwicklungsdienstleistern – Was sind Ihre Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen?”.

Munich Germany, Mai 23 – 24, 2023 

  • For the twelfth time, the established conference was a forum for the exchange of experience for all those who work in the functional safety environment – whether in the field of railroad technology, automation or automotive technology.
  • FSQ Experts has given a presentation about “System Theoretical Process Analysis – Applied to a new mobility concept for automated cargo transport in urban area”.

Functional Safety meets ADAS

online E-learning, TBD

  • Functional Safety meets ADAS is a 4-days ISO 262626 workshop training and consulting event organized by Hochschule Kempten and Wolfgang Michisch, the co-founder and managing director of FSQ Experts.

  • Also this year, participants have a chance to enrich their knowledge in functional safety (ISO 26262) engineering for ADAS and AD.


Ostfildern Germany, October 20 – 21, 2022

  • Seminars, courses, specialist conferences, studies: The Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE), based in Ostfildern near Stuttgart, has organised vocational education and training for over 60 years.

  • FSQ Experts will present the seminar “Regulatorische Anforderungen an Medizinprodukte mit künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) “


Munich, May 10 -12, 2022  

  • The MedConf conference with accompanying exhibition is the most established and important networking platform in medical technology.

  • FSQ Experts presented a talk about Medical SPICE together with partner Process Fellows. 

MedtecLIVE with T4M

Stuttgart Germany, May 03 – 05, 2022 

  • The exhibition MedtecLIVE with T4M is the exhibition with congress for medical technology. Numerous exhibitors present themselves and show the entire value chain, innovations, latest trends, further developments and outstanding advances from the medical technology industry.

  • FSQ Experts presented as exhibitor in the start-up area. 

Refurbishing Medical Devices: The Update Journey

online, May 25, 2021  

  • In this webinar, Critical Software focused on medical devices updates and how to avoid some key issues including: Regulations relevant to the refurbishment process and the impact of medical device updates on certification; How to use legacy code in a refurbishment project and the risks and limitations you should account for; How to guarantee that updates on UxD won’t jeopardise patients’ safety and certification.

  • FSQ Experts presented the section from the regulatory perspective.

RAPS Convergence 2021 

online, May 10 – 12, 2021 

  • RAPS Euro Convergence is an event for regulatory professionals operating in Europe and other countries who want to comply with European regulatory policies.

  • We presented about Post-market Surveillance

Automotive SYS

online, May 10 – 12, 2021  

  • This conference organised by VDA is accepted by the international assessor certification scheme (intacs™) as active or passive experience evidence (EE-EP, EE-AC) for certification as SPICE Competent or Principal Assessor. 2021 

online, Apr. 20 – 22, 2021 

  • is an experts meeting organised by TÜV Süd for the topic functional safety.

  • We presented our agile development model EchoScrum® in the community and received many interests.

MedTecLIVE 2021

online, Apr. 20 – 22, 2021  


  • MedtecLIVE is one of the biggest international events for the production of medical technology in Germany.

  • We are sponsor of the Young Talent Award and our colleague Dr. Filipa Campos-Viola was jury of the award.

  • In the session of international market, we gave a talk about market entry in China with focus on regulatory requirements from NMPA.

  • We presented about proactive Post-market Surveillance, which is required by MDR, and our approach of an proactive system.

safetronic. 2020 

Stuttgart-Fellbach/online, Nov. 9 – 11, 2020 

  • safetronic provides a practical update on the trends of functional safety in the automobile industry, such as ISO 26262, SOTIF as well as autonomous driving and artificial intelligence.

  • We joined the meeting as an exhibitor

MedConf 2020

Munich/online, Oct. 20 – 22, 2020 

  • MedConf is a big conference in Munich around the topics of software development and device development in medical technology.

  • We presented “(teil-)Automatisierte Medizingeräte: Wie kann SOTIF die Sicherheit des Patienten verbessern?“, together with our partner Olivier Bockenbach

12. Innovation Forum Medizintechnik 

Tuttlingen/online, Oct. 14, 2020

  • Innovation Forum is a platform for the presentation of innovative ideas,  technologies and products in medical technology.

  • We presented “Future: Data-driven post-market surveillance for every medical device!”. Click here to read the full abstract.

Kompetenzpool Zulassung:

online XING event, Jul. 30, 2020

  • Kompetenzpool is a a cycle of talks about medical technology organised by the Medical Valley. Medical Device professionals come together to share their knowledge about ongoing topics in medical technology.

  • In a recent event, we had the opportunity to present in collaboration with Matthias Hölzer-Klüpfel our common experience with Medical SPICE (a process assessment model defined in the  Guideline VDI 5702 Part 1).




Nürnberg (online), Jun. 30 – Jul. 2, 2020

  • MedtecLIVE is one of the biggest international events for the production of medical technology in Germany.

  • In 2020 we attended MedTechLIVE as an exhibitor and held a pitch about our contribution supporting start-ups entering the medical device market.


Functional Safety meets ADAS

Vöhlinschloss, Nov. 18, 19 – 22, 2019

  • Functional Safety meets ADAS is a innovative ISO 20202 training organized by FSQ Experts GmbH.

  • Demands on experience in functional safety (ISO 26262) engineering for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) grows. This training aims to prepare the developers and companies for this challenge.